So, we arrived in NY - woohoo, we're here and it was a seamless journey. Jet Blue, you've got to love them, left on time, delivered to our destination early and driver waiting and ready to pick us up to deliver us to the Affinia 50.
We took a quick walk round to pick up some toiletries (no point wasting precious luggage allowance on shampoo and such and it's cheaper in NY than Bermuda). So, picked up the essentials........ wine, wine and humus and chips so now we're set and ready to relax and chill and prepare for our much awaited trip on the QM2.
Baths are precious in Bermuda, we have a severe lack of water, the rain that falls on our roof is the same rain that supplies us with drinking, washing and bathing water. Hence with a real lack of rainwater in Bermuda and trying to be economical, my first thought on arriving in NY was ...... (in order of importance)............
1. Wine (it is of course the start of our holiday)
2. Quick search on the internet for that all important last minute little black and white dress for the B&W ball.
3. Shop for shampoo and bath soak
4. Bath and wine.
So I ran the bath........... lovely, not too deep (this is NY after all and space is at a premium) so i dipped my toes into the small bath, perfect...... wine at the ready..... was sat in it for all of two minutes and the blooming fire alarm went off. At first I thought it was our dinner being delivered - (door bell) but no, it went on and on so figured now was the time to put the bath towel on my head (after five minutes in the bath hair not looking too kewl) dressing gown on (thank god I rang housekeeping as they hadn't left one in the room).
So dressed in dressing gown and towel (to which my husband said "you're not going down there dressed like that are you???? - you can imagine my response...) we headed for the fire escape. Now, we're on the 19th floor of the Affinia, so we're looking at a bit of a trek and having a nice chit chat with the Australian and American woman just behind and i'm working up a bit of a sweat (there is no air con on the fire escape) and we made it to the 5th floor (at least I think it was - memory is a bit fuzzy after a *few* glasses of wine) the alarm stopped. So we stopped, conversed and decided it would be alright to go back to our room. We took a photo of the fire engines that arrived on our door step within five minutes, and I proceeded to dip my big toe in the bath again. Alas, the Cornelli's don't have much luck on their holidays and the alarm went off again!!!! At this point I had washed my make up off and there was no way I was going anywhere until I had determined the exact nature of this fire alarm. Hubby called down and apparently there is a room on the 23rd floor that has an alarm that keeps tripping.
So. American Chinese (yum yum) due in exactly fifteen minutes. the 'de'fuzzing' will have to wait until tomorrow and I am drooling at the thought of a lovely Chinese meal - a once in a blue moon treat for us. We're going to the Met museum tomorrow, followed by a trip to Macey's (for pillows of course but if we happen to stop at the ladies wear department you won't hear me complaining!)
We're also eating at the boat house tomorrow night - my first dress up night of the holiday. Much anticipated I can tell you.
Sleep tight everyone and all being well, hope to catch up with you again soon.
Ciao, cheers, ariva derci, guten tag and catch you later.
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