Friday, September 17, 2010

QM2 Trip NY - Quebec - September 2010 - Saturday 4th September 2010

First of all apologies for the lack of updates - there seems to be a ship wide issue with the Wi-Fi in the cabins, we're in Connexions where we have managed to get connected but there has been a stream of people and calls about not being able to connect in the cabins. In this day and age its not good enough frankly...Anyway, luckily I typed all my musings out in word beforehand so can you copy and paste it in - hope you enjoy !

Greetings fellow cc'ers. We're finally on board, we've eaten, unpacked three of our cases - one still yet to arrive (OK actually make that "I" unpacked, Justin stared fixedly at the PC willing the internet to start but for some reason it's not playing at the moment), so I'm typing this in word and will then download once we're up and running (cheaper that way as well).

Yesterday (Thursday) was a whirlwind traipse around NY, brought pillows (because I hate the small QM2 ones that my head slides off and a few extra clothes (just in case). Finished the night in the Boat House at Central Park which was lovely - MAHUSIVE portions! and never made it to pud which is unheard of in the Cornelli household )

Bad news yesterday for Justin, his PC (which was all of five days old) broke down, the screen took a sick day and refused to work (something to do with the video card) personally I think I may be responsible, using the iron in the same outlet as the PC and might have just spiked the electricity and blown his PC - but we won't tell him that! he was just made up to have a nicely pressed shirt for our trip to the Boat House. So this morning at 9.30 am he was out strutting the streets of NY - one to buy my birthday card (which he hadn't got round to doing yet) and two, to buy a new PC - we've now got the Sony Netbook, small screen but the shift key is doing my head in as it's next to the "up" arrow but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually. (Must admit it was nice to have his sole attention yesterday while we had no pc - and today because there is no internet access - I swear he's having withdrawals)

Already we're on our second bottle of champers, the first being the Perriet Jouet, the second being the obligatory Pol Acker - which after one bottle of champers doesn't taste so bad.

Well as predicted we are staying overnight on the ship in NY (not the best view we're dockside facing) and will be leaving for Boston tomorrow at 5 am so no sail away party in the jacuzzi for us tonight! and I doubt we will be seeing the ship leave tomorrow but who knows, I'd like to think we would be up for the sailaway. It's an all dayer at sea tomorrow and arrive in Boston on Sunday which will also be my birthday - so I intend to shop till I drop there as well and hopefully get some nice memento's of our second QM2 trip.

We're in QG this time around and I must say the rooms are lovely, but, after having had our first lunch in the grill I was pretty amazed to see how some people just expect the royal treatment and talk so rudely to some of the wait staff. At least three couples were not impressed with their table positions, demanding they be moved (nothing to do with us sat there i'm sure) and others talking to the waiters like dirt. "Where's my coffee" springs to mind, not a please or thank you when they were waited on. Is it a sense of entitlement? you know..... I've paid for QG and I'm going to milk it for what it's worth. Still not our problem and so far our waiters seem lovely and attentive.

So far the weather in NY is dry, overcast and humid and not a drop of wind, I'm assuming it is further out to sea but thankfully not here. I see the news reports are saying that Earl is very much weakened so all being well the worst of the storms are passed. We shall see.

Regarding free drinks on the QG, we are permitted only two bottles, we opted for vodka and rum we tried to order a bottle of red wine to go with, but the butler wasn't having any of that even despite my attempts to sweet talk him. As far as he goes, we'll see. So we'll be popping into Boston for some nice wine to stock up the cupboard. We don't mind paying for our wine during dinner but would like to have some on standby in the room for a post/pre dinner drink whatever the mood takes us.

Later - we've done muster stations, and were there quite a while as Commodore Warner explained why we were stopping over in NY. I don't suppose all the champagne helped but both hubby and I were quite warm standing there and were itching to get back to the cool of our cabin. Anyway, that was uneventful.

So, we got back from muster and still no suitcase. Hubby rang the butler and was told "go down to the Pursers office on deck 3 and see if it's down there". Now I'm sorry, but not that we're lazy or anything but we don't expect to have to go hunting round the ship for a suitcase when it goes missing. Our suitcase has a big red strap going round it with our name on so in the event that the luggage label falls off we (and the staff) can still identify it easily. Anyway, hubby was not impressed with being told to go off and look for the case so I popped to the concierge loung and spoke to the lovely lady on the desk there (Girlie ?) who promptly took the details and promised it would be delivered shortly. Et voila, within five minutes it had arrived. Hubby and I are still out on whether or not we like the butler. We're not snobs nor are we demanding but we get the feeling that he would rather be elsewhere. The butler from next door caught us looking around for someone and was promptly in our room, really cheerful chap, very down to earth and very polite and went out of his way to make us feel welcome (the first time we have felt like that since arriving). We both wish he was our butler but we lucked out by being one room down. Our current butler did introduce himself by saying that he used to work on the QE2 in the penthouse suite.................... Anyway, time will tell if his attitude softens and we can get along without feeling that we have to humble ourselves to have a co-operative attitude. It is only day one after all plus, he apprently is the only butler that knows how to tie a black tie bow so if we can't get on, hubby will be doing a reef knot in his tie to the black tie doo tomorrow. (not a good look I imagine)

Later again...........Having said that the Butler is now back in our room and being very chatty and putting himself out quite a bit for us and also being helpful with regards to various things. Perhaps he was very busy this morning getting everything ready - we all have our off moments and after seeing the attitude of some of the passengers at lunch, I can imagine why people would get quite defensive until they get to know you. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt but hubby is still wavering. Anyway, i'm off to have a soak in the bath and prep for tonight's dinner. Smart casual being the order of the day. We have four formal nights - 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th September with elegant casual and semi-formal intermingled between those days, a nice mix of formal and semi.

Oh and Jeanne, thank you for the lovely voice message on our hotel phone, was great to hear from you but alas we didn't pick up the message until we were walking out of the door this morning. Greetings to my friends in Bermuda (who I've told to drop in and take a look to see what we're up to) and big greetings to the outlaws back in the UK who could alas not join us this time as Justin's dad has a biggie op coming up - removal of a kidney. (Not for nothing do they call him sick note!) He'd do anything to get out of going away with us again - even going so far as to have a kidney removed Last time we were on the QM2 was at christmas and they were in the room next to us and don't tell them I told you this but they were blooming marvelous ships companions and kinda wish they were here with us now (but again, don't tell them I told you that)


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