Friday, September 17, 2010

QM2 Trip NY - Quebec - September 2010

Day One - Tuesday 31 August 2010 and I'm at home

Well, not exactly calm, but winding down after a day at work and finding it very hard to switch off. Decisions decisions, do I open that bottle of red wine that is sitting on the side in the kitchen with my name written all over it and risk doing absolutely nothing whilst I *chill* and wind down for my holiday? or do I look at my packing and decide what other things I need to add along with the kitchen sink, pillows, wet proofs, bikini/swimming costumes etc etc. that are all sitting by my suitcases ready for placing into the cases? Will I need just the three handbags or should I take an extra couple “just in case”? are 8 pairs of shoes enough? will they be sitting in the wardrobe of my suite ready to be packed at the end of my journey and return home when I could really be leaving the extra luggage space for things that I *may* be buying while on our holiday? I’m sure hubby only needs half of those four suitcases I’ve got put aside. I mean, when do you hear a guy moaning that he hasn’t got enough shoes or bags?? I’m sure he’ll be fine with 2 pairs max!

The bottle of wine is calling me….. but…. I really should ignore temptation [ get thee behind me and all that jazz ] and whizz around the house and tidy up. Or should I continue to look at all the weather sites (as has been my want all day) and check out the status of the hurricanes that are all working their way up the East Coast fervently hoping that by some small miracle they dissipate and die away. I know that looking every five minutes isn’t going to change things by much but I live in hope.

As my boss said to me today as he wished me bon voyage ‘who the b****y hell books a cruise in hurricane season…..” errr…. That would be me and my better half of course.
Never a couple to have things go always to plan (think Christmas cruise and changing flights/hotel bookings and depleting the bank account in an effort to get away two days earlier to NY to miss the storms hitting both Bermuda AND New York – I mean, what are the chances of that?) and now we have a few storms determined to get the old pulse racing again as we hit only the second cruise of our life. Actually, did I ever mention that we had booked a cruise for our honeymoon ten years ago and had to cancel that as we were ‘posted’ out to Bermuda just a week after getting married! So this really isn’t third time lucky!

Anyway, I digress. I’m going to attempt to share my daily ‘doings’ with whoever is inclined to read along. We depart Bermuda tomorrow at 12.0 and head for NY from whence we will [all being well] join the QM2 for a wonderful celebratory cruise.

Anyway, my mind is made up. I can tidy round the house AND finish my packing AND drink that glass of red and if it all goes horribly wrong I can get up nice and early tomorrow (Wednesday) and finish what I should have started tonight.

Apologies in advance for any typo’s, badly phrased sentences etc. etc. Once “in the mood” I ramble and write as I speak. So imagine if you will a lass in her [late] 40’s, originally from London now living in Bermuda sitting at her PC, rambling on, worried about dementia setting in at any time so I intend to log my journey over the next couple of weeks so that I can at least look back one day and berate myself for any badly phrased sentences and hopefully laugh at what is about to come!

To all those joining us on the ship (hope I got that right – I know there’s a correct word for it but……… )

Signing off, hitting the bottle and attempting to pack……

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