Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hurricane Igor - Sunday 19th September - the Build up

Last night before going to bed it was fairly calm, but driving to my friends house for dinner it was amazing to see so many people and cars lining the south shore to view the seas which have been absolutely fantastic.  The sea is clear blue and greens and the waves are enormous - all this before the storm really hit. 

This morning I woke to the sound of the rain battering against the shutters and you just know that Igor the Terrible is on its way to Bermuda.  We have now closed all shutters and I must admit, I wish we could view from at least one window as we can't see out at all except into our garden but there's nothing to see there as the patio doors only view out onto a very high wall that faces it.  So we're enclosed inside the house at the moment, the winds are tropical force now without a doubt and the trees that I can see are bent double already.  The rain is lashing down and its pouring down over our house instead of going down into the tanks as the inlets have all been blocked to stop salt water going into our drinking supply so all that lovely rain water which we cherish over the year is going straight into the garden.  Fortunately our front door has a step as I can well imagine that the water would be seeping into the house otherwise.

News from the weather channels is that Igor has now been downgraded to a Cat One Hurricane, thank god for that, but the downside is that the hurricane has swollen in size due to some dry air running through the middle - how it has effected it I don't really understand but it's good to be able to keep an eye on the weather forecast which continually updates us as to what is happening out there.

The only problem now will be is if we lose electricity.  You really do take it for granted when it's there 24/7, air con, running water, lights and of course not being able to view the TV or go on the internet to keep an eye on what's happening out there.

Our local paper has advised that as of 10.14 a.m. today the Causeway was shut, effectively seperating St Georges and St Davids from the mainland of Bermuda - the weather man has also predicted some tornadoes to arrive on the East end of the island.  We actually live in Smiths Parish which is part of the East end but not as east as St Georges and St. Davids so I'm praying that everyone over there stays safe and doesn't have too much structural damage (the worst).

My daughter, Lindsey who is the Army has just sent me a message via facebook - here is what she has written (cheeky modom):

"mom this is wot I've typed onto your blog but I'm having problems publishing it
mom I know as well as Justin that you can cook mac 'n cheese. It's my fave. oooh I want to be at yours for the hurricane although John Smiths isn't looking so fun at the minute cant believe the size of the waves. Take lots of piccies and keep safe mommy although I know deep down your loving the idea of a free day off work and getting drunk with Justin. I know your main worries are not the fact of being able to shower or use the internet but merely the fact that you may possibly run out of wine or vodka during this scary ordeal. but I'm probably guessing that you're well and truly stocked up to the eyeballs on this luxury of yours. I like the fact you always make the best of a bad situation. LOL.
love you both ring me when its over and fill me in with the damage report.
p.s lots of piccies plz xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Lindsey - thank you for your message, I've chosen to reproduce it on here as it is will be a constant reminder to me when I'm old and infirm that my daughter too has a great sense of humour and she knows her mother so well.  I still wouldn't want you looking after me in my dotage though! :o)

Well, I'm going to log off for now and post an update later.  I'm hoping that it stops raining - just for a bit so that I can take a walk outside and take some pictures, but alas at the moment the torrential rain would just ruin the camera!

Stay safe!

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